Thursday, July 2, 2020

Naturally, there are herbs which will enhance fertility, they are grown and harvested and brew into teas.some of these teas are peppermint, chaste berry, nettle leaf, green tea, ginger, red raspberry. their ability to enhance fertility is because they contain certain properties.

Peppermint: Peppermint(Mentha Piperita) is one of the most widely used herbs which is brewed into tea from the herbs. the leaves contain phenols that are constituted with Rosamarinic acid and other flavonoids which are Luteolin, Eriocitrin, and is a strong antioxidant and has antimicrobial and antiviral is a good stomach and uterus boosts immunity and this can help to build the body to be fertile. peppermint tea is made from peppermint leaf is safe to consume this tea can also suppress nausea and morning sickness.


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